Day 13: My longest drive yet
I drove 140 miles today, most of it along Route 15. Took about five hours with pullovers and a stop for groceries at a health food store that did not have one fresh food item, and had prices higher than Whole Foods back home. Left there with an odd collection of frozen, canned and bagged foods that really don’t fit together for meals, but will sustain me. I managed - with trepidation - to back up the last part of the driveway at another Boondockers Welcome location. (Best $30 I’ve spent on this trip!) My right knee gave out just after I plugged in and took the selfie. I have done little more than use my wicker chair for a walker to move everything to the bed where I’ve been for hours with my leg propped and knee iced. Couldn’t make it back outside to light the heater to put under the pipes … and it’s colder than last night. No choice but to surrender to the pain that I attribute to all that time on the pedals after having fallen on it last night. I am moaning a lot and trying to find the nearest open campground in case the knee does not improve and one further south in case it does.