Day 127: Jersey Girl

Before she was my Karma, she was Karen Romo’s beloved Jersey Girl. Today, for the first time, I met Karen in person and she got to see what I did to the bus. And she came gifting items she had intended to have on the bus with her. We spent hours talking, and we’ll do it again tomorrow. From Beatle lyric tattoos to Babes for Bernie, from Solo Women RVers to witchcraft, we are sisters! (For more photos, check out the WOW Facebook page.)
As evening approaches, I will be trying to figure how to go 450 miles from here to Willow Grove, PA and then another 300 to get to the Ostara weekend retreat in Woodstock, CT … with dropping temperatures (34 at night), and clouds and rain that will keep my solar panels from charging the batteries I need to live at my minimum comfort level. Campgrounds and Boondockers Welcome hosts are just not falling into place. If you know anyone along the route that can accommodate a 30-foot bus on a fairly flat surface with an outlet I can plug into, please message me! If it helps, this in a link to a Google map of my most direct route.
After Woodstock, I will hang out in Connecticut, then Lenox MA, then back to Connecticut. Besides medical and dental appointments, I’m hoping to catch up with family and friends, find a Beltane festival to vend at and perhaps gather for a moon or Earth Day before returning to New Hampshire in early May. (Come up to visit!)
At least, that’s the general plan until the gods decide otherwise.

Lynn Woike