The Witch on Wheels

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Day 163: New Normal

Facebook reminded me that a year ago today, I was sitting on a restaurant deck with friends, sipping a martini while waiting for our orders to be prepared. Today, there are no restaurants open; food is delivered outside your door, not to your table. And there’s no socializing with friends. This morning I was standing in line to buy groceries, arriving too late to get toilet paper, again. It was like a scene from some bad movie. As one customer came out, another was allowed in. Everyone was wearing a mask; many also wore gloves. Aisles were marked for one-way traffic. People pushed their carts from line to line to reach the register. Returned carts were wiped down with disinfectant. It was a strange new normal on the 26th day of Connecticut’s stay-at-home order. 

To keep up my spirits, I’ve been watching inspirational videos. One from yesterday is still with me. It was an interview with Natalie Ross, founder of Earth Speak Collective, on the topic, “How to Hear and Trust Your Intuition.” Speaking with my friend Stephanie Briggs of Heart Blossom, she urged people to start a relationship with their intuitive senses by learning to speak the energetic language your consciousness uses to speak to itself. A good start, she said, was to learn what your inner signs are for yes and no. 

I am forever producing a pendulum to provide answers. When working with a new pendulum, I always ask, “Show me yes” and “Show me no.” When the interview ended, I thought, “Is it really that easy? ‘Self, show me yes.’” I got a picture instantly. Then I asked for a symbol that meant no, and got that just as lightening fast. I did not expect that. I played with it a bit, and more again today. It was as if my intuition was excited that it could communicate with me in a new way.

Natalie shared an analogy her friend Stephanie used, equating intuition to a GMS that already knows your destination. You don’t have know all the turns, the GPS will tell you the next step – and if you take a wrong turn, it will just redirect you to the route. That struck me, because I find myself forgetting sometimes that it’s all about the journey, not the destination, and I still want more advance notice and clear explanations than the universe is willing to give. This was another reminder that control is a cosmic joke. And I do appreciate a good joke.