Day 218: Good Morning Sunshine

Good morning!
Last night before going to bed three hours earlier then I have been doing, I decided I would like to see the sunrise. Having no idea what time that was (remember, no bars and borrowed Internet), I didn’t set an alarm. I just told myself to wake up in time. I did. At 3am, 4:15am and 5am, each time pulling up the curtain behind my head. Each time I went back to sleep. Finally, at 5:40am I got up and pulled on my only warm clothes and walked out to the deck to watch the day begin. (There’s a video of the sunrise on my Facebook page in which you can hear the rooster and the birds.) It’s easy to understand why all civilizations worshipped sun gods, which reminded me I still had research to do on Baldor, finish a book review and read another book – The New Witch – and photograph and describe a subscription box for Worth the Witch. Here it is retirement and I’m still bumping up against deadlines that seem to have ruled my life as far back as I can remember (I’m counting the deadlines to hand in projects, return permission slips and pay bills). The difference is, I get much joy volunteering for the eZine. So much that I’m deciding to stay up and work rather than go back to bed when my normal wake up time is still two and a half hours away. I wonder what other surprises await.

Lynn Woike