The Witch on Wheels

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DAY 824: Morning Magic

No one asked me to leave last night. I slept in two-hour blocks. At 6am I decided to stay up for the sunrise at 7:30pm. It was magical, despite the band of haze. The water felt warm, a few shells had been washed up on the beach, and the sun’s rays were uplifting.

The next piece of magic was Fred, whom I met walking back to the bus. He couldn’t figure out why he was here, in this access road, because he always goes to one a bit south. Turns out he’s a witch from a family of witches. He was also born in Key West, in the same naval hospital I was. We chatted for a bit and I gave him a protection charm and did some reiki on his lower back, after which he said he had to go and lay down. I invited him to breakfast, but he just backed away as if my energy was too much.

I was thinking of going to the park so I could take a shower, but there are also advantages to staying closer to the water. I will take another two-hour nap and decide. I’m leaning toward staying here at least long enough to see if there is a third bit of magic before breakfast.