DAY 701: Will I Make It?
UPDATE: I made it. My treat is breakfast delivered. Maybe by then I will feel tired enough to sleep. The universe is whispering something to me about celebrating on the traditional day when I pretty much always did my celebration on the astrological sabbat, which this year is April 5, so beginning at sunset on April 4.
ORIGINAL: I have been vibrating at a wonderful frequency since yesterday's Magickal Fair. There were several consecutive years a coven sister and I would begin at sunset and keep awake around a fire until daybreak when we would great the rising sun. Then I'd be on a messed up sleep schedule, but retired, it doesn't much matter. And I just found myself two hours from sunrise. I have my black candle lit and some intentions to put forth. Let's see if I stay awake until sunrise. I feel like I should earn some special witchy badge for my pointy hat each time I've done it. And harvest themed badges for Mabon retreats, and strawberries for attending that strawberry full moon at the beach.
Yeah, I'm getting punchy at this hour.
Here are some a picture from Beltane 2011 — our “fire on yonder hill.”
May you all be blessed.