August 29: Top of the World

I made it to Lincoln, VT yesterday afternoon after driving mountain roads I've done in Karma, but disliked in Karmalita ... mainly because she was mading a horrid noise mostly when climbing (in D or 3), but not always. We pushed through it again and again knowing my mechanics is back in Connecticut. Anyway, while the scenery was spectacular, the roads were not.
Last night I mostly crashed, but couldn't sleep ... first because I needed to swap my cotton blanket for a fleece one, and then because I had my head where my feet normally go so I could watch day become night.
Today I am sitting on the deck in the gloriously warm sun, watching the clouds make shadows on the Presidential Mountain Range, listening to chickens and wind chimes, and watching birds soaring above.
I'm reading "Wiccan Self-care Spells: Restorative rituals to ease stress, heal mind and body, and conjure contentment" by Gerridwen Greenlea so I can write a review for Pagan Pages. Also trying to come up with ideas for Mabon columns, something to do for Monday's dark moon in Virgo, and what meandering route I will use to return to my home base in East Windsor.

Lynn Woike