The Witch on Wheels

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Meet Leandra Walker

I met Leandra Walker at a Mabon retreat. She’d taken formal classes for five years, becoming proficient in a system of magick and personal development.

A mutual friend introduced her as The Crone by the Phone and she indeed does that title proud. We forged a friendship that has us calling each other daily.

She’s a Sagittarius and probably the one person who knows the most about me – and yet I learned more about her.

Some things she does not share, but I will:

  • She edited several books for an internationally known witch.

  • “I Walk with the Goddess,” by Kellianna – a pagan anthem known around the world – was inspired by and written with Leandra; and

  • Kellianna wrote “She is Crone” to celebrate Leandra’s croning in 2009.


1. Do you have a magical name you’re willing to share?

Esme Malachite 

2. In what state do you reside?


3. How do you make your living?

I’m retired.

4. Are you out of the closet? / Have you felt threatened?

I never had the good sense to be in the closet but, no, I’ve never felt threatened. 

5. When did you first know you were a witch? How long have you been practicing?

I started taking lessons at the age of 48, but I made my first potion at age 11 when I mixed cooking spices with oil in momma’s kitchen. 

6. How do you define your practice? Do you follow a specific tradition?

Eclectic. I’ll try anything and keep it if it works.  

7. What one object must be on your altar for it to be an altar?

My athame.

8. Do you have a daily practice?

I meditate every evening.  

9. How do you respond when someone asks, “Are you a good witch or a bad witch?”

I laugh as if it were the first time I heard it.  

10. Do you have a familiar?


11. What gifts, skills or powers to you share?

I teach whatever’s asked of me.

12. What was your most magical experience?

A past life regression where I found myself as an Egyptian shepherdess.  

13. What is your favorite:

  • Sabbat: Samhain  

  • Element: fire 

  • God: Osiris 

  • Goddess: Isis 

  • Animal or other totem: snake 

  • Tool: athame  

  • Book: “The Inner Temple” by Christopher Penczak

  • Tarot deck or card: The Tarots of the Sphinx

  • Gemstone: Herkimer diamond 

  • Ritual garb: A long, black, velveteen robe.  

  • Fictional witch: none 

  • Music / performer: Kellianna 

  • Spell or ritual: Mabon ritual with twenty other witches  

  • Piece of wisdom: Listen to the crones and the wisdom they hold.