Day 17: Nearing the end of the first leg

My last night in a campground for a while. There’s a lake and a river here at Deep River Campground and RV Park in Asheboro NC, but they are not to be explored. The detour to Camping World of Colfax to replace the lost electrical connector, two wrong turns, and two right hairpin turns, each on a hill, I could not make without backing up while cars in other directions and I’ve just about had enough driving. I am 115 miles from my destination in Darlington, SC. In all, I will have traveled something like 1,150 miles since leaving “home room” in New Hampshire. 

The experience is surreal. It’s ever-changing and as the miles slip by so do some of the memories. I find myself aware and in present almost all the time, and that’s new for me. I’ve pretty much given up multi tasking. Lots of focus on whatever I’m doing … dishes, driving, conversing, typing. Not so much eating. Hmmmm. Now that I realized that, maybe I can change it. Maybe starting with these horrible garlic rosemary chips – a select edition? Really?. Time is still suspended and the growing darkness is still throwing me off. I’d swear it was 9 and it’s only 6:48 as I type this. Actually, based on the number of Christmas decorations up in towns and on lawns, I’d swear it was December 17.

Magic came every time I saw the lake outside my back window at the last campsite, lots and lots of rainbows bouncing off my inspection sticker and road signs, the people who allowed me the space I needed to maneuver Karna, which was good for their karma, don’t you think? Oh, and finding a lost item using “Where are my keys? charger? Advil? (whatever) By the power of three: show me, show me, show me.” I only had to say it twice. It works 99% of the time. Trust me. Try it. Monica was the witch who taught it to me. (You can read her profile one the Witch Hunt page.)

Lynn Woike