Kicking off the New Year

The year is off to a wonderful beginning.

I went to bring a yellow rose and a sun charm to Karmalita this afternoon and saw that the rest of her floor was out and rust is being removed. (I have come to believe rust is what happens north of the Carolinas, even though it wasn't visible when purchased.) Materials are on order, and a battery will be here soon so it can drive over to the work area. The first of many a "final floor plan" is done.

I did a tarot reading for someone's birthday. She had better cards than the ones I pulled for myself to start the year. Yesterday, the theme came up as the two of wands: contemplating what to do, weighing options ... but also needing to make decisions, which is not something my Libra rising finds easy. January 1 was also the 12th Day of Yule, and the one wish left that is for me to fulfill is to watch Netflix on my new iPad (neither of which I have). I am still trying to make sense of parts of the seven-rune reading. The part that did jump out was that 2024 will continue to bring transformation, death and rebirth, as the exhilarating glorious, terrifying, amazing, beautiful dance of life continues. Then this morning the two cards that jumped out were the eight of swords (set yourself free, witch; you are not trapped) and the page of swords (start that journey even if I don't know where it will take me).

Then, a gift "for a beautiful witch" arrived today from a person who chooses to remain anonymous – an ankle bracelet with the number 222 on it. That's my super special magical long-time favorite magical number. My angel number. My birth date. Always a signal that I am divinely guided when it appears. So it's from someone who knows me well enough to know that. Thank you, gift giver!

Lastly, I am thinking it's time to drop the "DAY" number. When I started out, I was on and off the bus for a couple of months in the summer, and on and off during the year (such as that hospital stay and nights in a hotel for my high school reunion). But since I moved out of the room on the farm and plan to live only the bus, the number of days no longer seems important. And besides, milestones like 100, 265, 500, 1000 have come and gone, and I'm counting the years. This is my fifth winter in the south. I will keep tracking the number, and may mention it from time to time, but I'm dropping it as part of my titles and will see how that feels.

Right now I'm feeling hungry, and I have a cast iron skillet to season, and food to cook, so I'm headed into the lodge.

Lynn Woike