January 25: A Lot for Parking
For the fifth night in a row, I am in a parking lot. I have cell phone reception and restaurant meals, and there's no wind rocking my bus, but I miss the field I called home for two weeks. I miss the quiet, nights without lights, birds, and walking barefoot.
Yesterday, going through a road construction area, Karmalita and a large dump truck kissed. The truck didn't have a scratch. Karmalia was not so lucky. Someone at the pub yesterday afternoon passed along the name of a local mobile RV repair person who came out this morning and did what could be done without serious body work. I will spend Sunday researching who in the area I can call Monday. This shook me so much I forgot all about connecting with the group that was hexing the rich today.
Tomorrow I will be researching Imbolc recipes to find a yummy easy recipe I can bring to the potluck at the camping festival next weekend. Maybe something with blackberries. I think the lavender tea (coconut) milk punch I've been making just about every Imbolc would require I at least double the recipe, and that would be difficult on the bus.
What's your favorite Imbolc food?